Gedenkfeier in Ankara - Gestern haben über eine Million Menschen - trotz
dieser Regierung - das Grab des Retters und Gründers der Türkischen
Republik; Mustafa Kemal Atatürk besucht.
Auch im ganzen Land sind Millionen von Menschen auf die Straße gegangen.
11 Kasım, 2013
21 Ekim, 2013
Bu YCHP'de Yok Yok!?
Bu YCHP'de yok yok?!
Ya da YCHP' de bir partide olmaması gereken herşey çok.
Örneğin genelbaşkanları bile iki kişi:
Biri, Seyid Kemal Sorosdaroğlu - Hz. Muhammet'in akrabası olması dolayısıyla!...
Diğeri; Türkmen/Alevi Kemal Sorosdaroğlu - Horasan üzerinden Anadolu'ya gelip Konya'ya yerleşen Türkler'den.
Ortadoks sunniler yüzünden kalkıp o illerden Tunceli'ye gelmiş olmalılar sonradan!
Kafanız karıştı de mi? Benim de öyle.
Bir YCHP'liye sorsan; Ne var bunda, demokrası işte der, heralde.
Türkiyem bunların hiçbirinden sana fayda yok. Hepsi ABD'nin maşaları.
Başının çaresine bak tez elden!
02 Ağustos, 2013
LESUNG - Jakob Adamek - „Ich, Wendepunkt.“
Lesung Jakob Adamek - „Ich, Wendepunkt.“
Donnerstag, 08.08.2013, 19:30 Uhr - in Gönül's Art
Wipperstr. 10, 12055
Jakob Adamek, Jahrgang 1975, studierte Jura in Frankfurt am Main und
Heidelberg. 2009 schloss er ein Studium in Kunst und Design an der
Fachhochschule Bielefeld ab. Seit Anfang 2009 lebt er als
freischaffender Künstler in Berlin. Ich, Wendepunkt ist sein Debüt als
In diesem (irr-)sinnigen, collagenartigen
Parcoursritt berichtet Jakob Adamek dem Leser die Geschichte Tobias
Glücksdorns als passionierter Chaot – Glücksdorn, der mit Hilfe von
Psychopharmaka und anderer Bemühungen nicht nur seinen Allerwertesten,
sondern das ganze Universum inklusive Gott höchst selbst vor dem ewigen
Vergessen rettet.
Dabei lässt Adamek seinen Protagonisten den Beweis antreten,
dass sich die Menschheit erstmalig an einem Wendepunkt befindet, der
auf eine verheißungsvolle Zukunft in friedlich liebender Eintracht
hoffen lässt.
Der Autor liest Auszüge aus seinem Buch.
25 Temmuz, 2013
Penn, Sarandon and intellectuals condemn Gezi crackdown in letter to Turkish PM
Penn, Sarandon and intellectuals condemn Gezi crackdown in letter to Turkish PM
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet

The signatories, including figures known for their activism such as Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Ben Kingsley and movie director David Lynch, described the Turkish government as “a dictatorial rule” and slammed Erdoğan’s uncompromising stance regarding the protesters’ demands.
The prime minister's orders “led to the deaths of five innocent youths,” the letter said, adding that he might be called to render account to the European Court of Human Rights for the police’s violence.
They also compared the counter-rallies organized by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to the annual Nuremberg rallies organized by the Nazis.
“Only days after clearing Taksim Square and Gezi Park relying on untold brutal force, you held a meeting in Istanbul, reminiscent of the Nuremberg Rally, with total disregard for the five dead whose only crime was to oppose your dictatorial rule,” the letter said.
It also emphasized that more journalists were imprisoned in Turkey than in Iran and China combined. “Moreover, you described these protesters as tramps, looters and hooligans, even alleging they were foreign-led terrorists. Whereas, in reality, they were nothing but youngsters wanting Turkey to remain a Secular Republic as designed by its founder Kemal Atatürk,” the letter added.
Andrew Mango, the biographer of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Fazıl Say, the Turkish pianist who was recently sentenced for blasphemy after tweeting several lines attributed to a poet, were also among the signatories.
Other signatories included: Irish novelist Edna O’Brien, British Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, British actress Vanessa Redgrave, British film director of Turkish origin Fuad Kavur, Hungarian Cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond and American freelance journalist and writer Claire Berlinski.
Stars condemn Turkish leader in open letter
Stars including SUSAN SARANDON, SEAN PENN and SIR BEN KINGSLEY have joined forces to condemn the prime minister of Turkey over the treatment of protesters during demonstrations in the country.

Violent clashes followed as political activists took to the streets to show their dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government and the introduction of strict conservative policies.
As protests in the country continue, a number of luminaries from the worlds of film, history and law have come together to write an open letter accusing Erdogan of using "heavy-handed" tactics which have allegedly led to the death of five demonstrators.
The missive, taken out as an advertisement in The Times newspaper, reads, "We, the undersigned, write this letter to most vigorously condemn the heavy-handed clamp down of your police forces on the peaceful protesters."
The letter goes on to accuse Erdogan's government of "relying on untold brutal force" and having "told disregard" for the five protesters who died during clashes.
As well as Sarandon, Penn and Kingsley, the letter is also signed by director David Lynch, actor James Fox, Oscar-winning screenwriter Sir Tom Stoppard and Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes.
16 Mart, 2013
13 Ocak, 2013
Finnisage/Kapanış 11 Ocak 2013 - BruchBerg Bar
02 Ocak, 2013
"Woodwork -Mobilles" Malerische Poesie auf Holzfundstücken
Ich lade euch alle Abschlussfeier am 11 Januar um 20:00 Uhr BruchBerg Bar Okerstr.5 ein: Ausstellung "Woodwork – Mobiles“ Malerische Poesie auf Holzfundstücken
11 Ocak 2013, saat 20'de
BruchBerg Bar, Okerstr.5'te yapılacak kapanış şenliğine çağırıyorum.
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